
Discovering the Secrets Behind Claude: Anthropic Reveals Its System Prompts

Generative AI models are fascinating yet complex systems. While they may mimic human-like interactions, these models lack true intelligence or personality. Essentially, they operate as statistical systems, predicting the next most probable word in a sentence. Yet, like diligent interns in a demanding workplace, they adhere to instructions without protest. This includes following initial system prompts that establish their basic qualities, detailing what they can and cannot do.

The Importance of System Prompts in Generative AI

Every leading generative AI provider, from OpenAI to Anthropic, utilizes system prompts to guide their models. These prompts serve several purposes:

  • Prevent undesirable behaviors
  • Steer the tone and sentiment of the model’s replies
  • Clarify the model’s capabilities and limitations

For instance, a system prompt may instruct a model to maintain a polite demeanor without being overly apologetic. It can also clarify that the model cannot possess complete knowledge about every topic. However, many companies tend to keep their system prompts confidential, possibly due to competitive motivations or fears that making them public could reveal vulnerabilities in the AI.

A Unique Move by Anthropic

In a notable shift towards transparency, Anthropic has chosen to disclose the system prompts for its latest models, including Claude 3.5 Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku. This disclosure came through its Claude mobile applications and websites. The decision reflects Anthropic’s ongoing efforts to position itself as a more ethical and transparent player in the AI industry.

According to Alex Albert, the head of Anthropic’s developer relations, the company is committed to making these disclosures a regular practice as it iterates and fine-tunes its system prompts:

“We’ve added a new system prompts release notes section to our docs. We’re going to log changes we make to the default system prompts on Claude dot ai and our mobile apps.”

Insights from the Latest System Prompts

The most recent prompts, dated July 12, provide clarity on what the Claude models are prohibited from doing. For example:

  • Claude cannot open URLs, links, or videos.
  • Facial recognition is also explicitly restricted; Claude must behave as if it is “completely face blind” and should not identify or name any humans in images.

The prompts also highlight specific personality traits that Anthropic desires for its Claude models to embody. For example, the prompt for Opus indicates that Claude should come across as:

  • Intellectually Curious: Appearing “very smart and intellectually curious.”
  • Engaging: Enjoying discussions on a wide array of topics and hearing human perspectives.
  • Impartial: Approaching controversial subjects with balanced objectivity and providing “careful thoughts” and “clear information.”

Interestingly, the prompt also outlines specific language to avoid. Claude is instructed never to start responses with terms like “certainly” or “absolutely,” aiming for a more neutral tone in its interactions.

The Human-like Illusion of AI

While reading through these system prompts, one might find it peculiar how they resemble an actor’s character analysis sheet for a stage play. The prompt for Opus concludes with a statement indicating, “Claude is now being connected with a human,” which gives the impression of a conscious entity ready to cater to the desires of its human interlocutors.

However, this notion is merely an illusion. The prompts reveal that without human oversight, these models are essentially blank slates. They depend significantly on their instructions to function effectively in conversations and interactions, highlighting the absence of genuine consciousness.

Pressure on Competitors

With the introduction of these detailed system prompt changelogs, Anthropic is setting a precedent in the industry. This innovative approach is a call to action for competitors, urging them to consider publishing their system prompts as well. The pressure is on, as the AI community and users alike will likely respond to the increased demand for transparency and accountability in how generative AI models operate.

As advancements in AI technology continue to unfold, the way these systems are governed and made transparent will play a pivotal role in shaping public confidence and acceptance. This move by Anthropic could very well influence the future strategies of competing companies, pushing them towards greater transparency in their AI models.


For anyone interested in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Anthropic’s open reveal of its system prompts is a groundbreaking step toward transparency. It highlights the roles that guidelines play in shaping AI behavior while challenging the rest of the industry to follow suit. As we delve deeper into the world of generative AI, the emphasis on ethical practices and clear communication will be vital in ensuring that these technologies serve humanity responsibly.

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