
Varjo Launches Manufacturing Facility to Enhance XR Defense Solutions

Exploring the World of XR Defense Solutions

Image Credit: Varjo

Varjo, a top provider of industrial solutions in virtual and mixed reality (VR/MR), has proudly unveiled a new secure manufacturing facility in the Helsinki area of Finland. This strategic move addresses the escalating demand for high-quality extended reality (XR) solutions, especially in defense training and simulation.

Boosting Capacities to Meet Defense Demands

Varjo highlights that this new facility will significantly improve its capacity to meet the increasing needs of defense customers. The company anticipates a bright market future, predicting the overall market for training simulations will top USD $900 million by 2027. Such projections highlight the critical role of advanced XR Defense Solutions in contemporary military training.

An Inside Look at the New Manufacturing Facility

The recently launched secure manufacturing center boasts:

  • Designated secure production and storage areas
  • Sections for product and process development, including reliability testing
  • Facilities for audio development

This comprehensive infrastructure ensures that Varjo adheres to stringent security requirements while effectively satisfying customer demands.

Image Credit: Varjo

Partnerships That Drive Innovation

The driving force behind the establishment of this secure facility stems from the surging demand from defense clients. Moreover, Varjo’s strong partnership with Cole Engineering Services Inc. (CESI), an essential contractor for the U.S. Army’s Reconfigurable Virtual Collective Trainer (RVCT) program, has been crucial for this growth.

Upholding High-Security Standards in XR Defense Solutions

Timo Toikkanen, Varjo’s CEO, stated, “The collaboration between Varjo and CESI has been essential in enhancing our secure manufacturing capabilities. Our new facility guarantees that Varjo meets the high-security standards required by our government clients while supporting the rapid increase in demand for XR Defense Solutions.” This unwavering commitment to security reassures defense clients that Varjo prioritizes their needs.

Transforming Military Training Through Advanced Technology

Varjo’s innovative solutions play a pivotal role in the U.S. Army’s synthetic training programs. They offer soldiers highly realistic environments designed for real-time interaction with physical controls. In August 2023, Varjo was selected as the XR technology provider for the RVCT Air program, enhancing training for three helicopter types: Apache, Chinook, and Blackhawk.

Video Credit: Varjo

Insights from the Program Director

Eric Carr, the Program Director for RVCT at CESI, highlighted the significance of Varjo’s solutions in refining military training simulations. He explained, “Varjo was chosen for the RVCT program due to its capacity to deliver a mixed reality solution with stunning visuals that meet demanding program standards. The Varjo XR-4 Secure Edition headsets provide high-resolution images for both mixed reality and synthetic environments, making them ideal for secure settings thanks to their TAA-compliant manufacturing process.”

Shaping the Future of Military Training with XR and VR

Major Brandon Dotson, Assistant Product Manager for the RVCT, discussed the vital contributions of XR and VR technologies in military training. He stated, “The RVCT utilizes XR and VR to recreate scenarios such as tank driving and helicopter operations, offering an immersive experience critical for effective training. The objective of RVCT is to provide training that is more manageable and accessible to Soldiers, even at the lowest levels.” He elaborated on how past training methods required vast facilities and large teams, whereas technology advancements now allow individual soldiers to access training solutions easily.

Varjo’s Dedication to Pioneering XR Defense Solutions

By launching this secure manufacturing facility in Finland, Varjo showcases its commitment to enhancing XR technology. The company plans to support emerging use cases, such as training Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators. This proactive approach to meeting evolving military demands demonstrates Varjo’s determination to stay at the forefront of the defense technology landscape.


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